Spokane County Fire District No. 12 MEETING MINUTES For February 8, 2018
I. CALL TO ORDER: Charlie Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Waverly Town Hall. Commissioners present at the meeting were: Johnson and Jim Carlson. Also present was Kynda Browning, Secretary, and EMS Director Cindy Carlson.
Kynda Browning swore Jim Carlson in as the new commissioner.
Jim Carlson made a motion to appoint Charlie Johnson as the chairman.
II. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the January 11, 2018, commissioner meeting were presented. Jim Carlson made a motion to approve the commissioner meeting minutes as presented. Charlie Johnson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
III. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS, APPLICATIONS, APPEALS, COMMUNICATIONS, ETC: Beth Tensfeld asked the commissioners to pay for her to go to the EMS Summit in Coeur d'Alene for three days at a cost of $490.00. Jim Carlson made a motion to pay for Beth Tensfeld to go to the conference. Charlie Johnson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
IV. REPORTS FROM STAFF: Cindy Carlson reported she looked around for funding for smoke detectors. State Farm insurance has a grant that opens in March. Home Depot and Lowes said if she writes a letter, they would probably donate smoke detectors. She is trying to get Latah to join in the group and find someone who is interested in distributing them. She is trying to get someone to install them. She would like to have someone install them in Waverly too.
B. DINNER FOR FIREMEN: Don Evans has taken care of ordering the vests and a count for dinner.
VI. NEW BUSINESS: There was none.
VII. PRESENTATION OF VOUCHERS, WARRANTS, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS: Payroll voucher numbers 22099 through 22100 totaling $456.31 and voucher numbers 22101 through 22108 totaling $4,327.90, were presented to the Commissioners for approval. Jim Carlson made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Charlie Johnson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Jim Carlson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 p.m. Charlie Johnson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
APPROVED: ______________________________ Charlie Johnson - Commissioner ______________________________ Jim Carlson - Commissioner
ATTEST: ______________________________ Kynda Browning – Secretary