Spokane County Fire District No. 12
For January 10, 2019
I. CALL TO ORDER: Jim Carlson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Waverly Town Hall. Commissioners present at the meeting were: Carlson and Tom Pottratz. Also present was Kynda Browning, Secretary, Cindy Carlson, EMS Director and Josh Evans, Chief.
II. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the December 13, 2018 commissioner meeting were presented. Tom Pottratz made a motion to approve the commissioner meeting minutes as presented. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
III. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS, APPLICATIONS, APPEALS, COMMUNICATIONS, ETC: Tom Pottratz said Charlie Johnson passed away. They talked about replacing his position.
Josh Evans reported:
~He received an application from Logan Billington. Jim Carlson made a motion to accept his application contingent on him passing his physical. Tom Pottratz seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Don Evans gave John Evans information on requirements for pension from the state.
A. AIRPACKS: Josh Evans talked to someone at Allen Curtis about getting used airpacks from Spokane Valley Fire. They would give us a discounted price on bottles. It would be $1400 per set. There was discussion. These are high pressure systems, so our bottles wouldn’t work with these packs. The commissioners will think about it.
B. TURNOUTS: Josh Evans is still working on this.
A. FIREMAN APPRECIATION DINNER: The dinner will be held on February 21, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Latah Community Center. Tom Pottratz made a motion to order coolers for the firemen. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
B. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR SMALL WORKS ROSTER: Jim Carlson made a motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement for the Small Works Roster. Tom Pottratz seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Josh Evans said the Suburban 12-2 needs work and he is going to take it to Rockford Auto. He talked about the ladder rack on the truck not working, so he is suggesting using a turn buckle on it.
VII. PRESENTATION OF VOUCHERS, WARRANTS, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS: Payroll voucher numbers 22232 through 22238 totaling $486.04 and voucher numbers 22235 through 22238 totaling $747.56 for 2018 and voucher numbers 22239 through 22241 totaling $2,801.86 for 2019 were presented to the Commissioners for approval. Tom Pottratz made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Tom Pottratz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 p.m. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Jim Carlson - Commissioner
Tom Pottratz - Commissioner
Kynda Browning – Secretary