Spokane County Fire District No. 12
For June 14, 2018
I. CALL TO ORDER: Charlie Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. at the Waverly Town Hall. Commissioners present at the meeting were: Johnson, Jim Carlson and Tom Pottratz. Also present was Kynda Browning, Secretary, and Don Evans, Fire Chief.
II. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the May 10, 2018, commissioner meeting were presented. Jim Carlson made a motion to approve the commissioner meeting minutes as corrected. Tom Pottratz seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Don Evans reported:
~Wrote 10 burn permits this month. He said people are asking to have the cost lowered.
~The Suburban is back in Spangle getting worked on. He will put it back in service when it is repaired so the new rescue rig can be taken to have the exhaust fixed. The new rescue rig will be an official rescue rig.
~Ryan Wilson and Devin Billington graduated from the fireman's course at District 8. He suggested we reimburse them for the time they spent in the class.
A. DON EVANS RETIREMENT: He is going to retire for now and he will make a decision whether to come back after the 90 days. The official retirement will be when he completes the paperwork for retirement. There was discussion. Jim Carlson made a motion to hire Josh Evans the day Don Evans retires, and pay him at the same rate of pay. Tom Pottratz seconded the motion; all council members voted yes. There was discussion about changing the rate of pay for firemen and the employees. They will continue to discuss this.
B. FIRE STATION: Fire station plans from Design Services Group were given to the commissioners. There was discussion.
C. INSURANCE: We will leave the values the way they are.
A. BETH TENSFELD -EMT EVALUATION INSTRUCTOR: She has the form filled out to be an EMS Evaluator, she just needs a signature and to have it sent in.
Beth Tensfeld registered five people for the EMS classes for next year.
Beth Tensfeld gave information to the commissioners about Life Flight. It is $50.00 per household, per year. After discussion, Tom Pottratz made a motion to pay for all the firemen and commissioners. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Charlie Johnson said he is opposed to lowering the burn fee.
Charlie Johnson made a motion to pay Devin Billington and Ryan Wilson $1000 each for the firefighter class and for mileage, provided District 2 does not pay Devin Billington. Tom Pottratz seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Don Evans said Josh Evans will need a credit card. Jim Carlson made a motion to approve a credit card for Josh Evans for up to $5000.00, depending on our credit limit. Charlie Johnson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Josh Evans said he talked to fire dispatch about changing our identifiers. We will discuss it. He said they have been talking about air packs and the Valley is in the process of getting new air packs. The packs have three years left on the bottles. They have a compressor to fill our bottles and might sell it for $500.00.
VII. PRESENTATION OF VOUCHERS, WARRANTS, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS: Payroll voucher numbers 22135 and 22142 totaling $456.31 and voucher numbers 22136 through 22141 totaling $1,309.52, were presented to the Commissioners for approval. Jim Carlson made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Tom Pottratz seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Jim Carlson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Tom Pottratz seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Charlie Johnson - Commissioner
Jim Carlson - Commissioner
Tom Pottratz - Commissioner
Kynda Browning – Secretary