For October 15, 2018
I. CALL TO ORDER: Charlie Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. at the Waverly Town Hall. Commissioners present at the meeting were: Johnson, Jim Carlson and Tom Pottratz. Also present was Kynda Browning, Secretary, and Josh Evans, Chief.
II. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the September 6, 2018 commissioner meeting were presented. Tom Pottratz made a motion to approve the commissioner meeting minutes as presented. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
III. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS, APPLICATIONS, APPEALS, COMMUNICATIONS, ETC: Browning presented a letter from AWC RMSA to send to Department of Labor and Industries to get worker hours so we can get a bid for insurance. Tom Pottratz made a motion to approve the letter from AWC RMSA as presented. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Josh Evans reported:
~There were 12 calls in September.
~He prepared a roster with the identifiers. There was discussion. The commissioners approved it as presented.
~He presented a time sheet with his hours for information.
A. CHANGING IDENTIFIERS: This was discussed earlier.
B. AIRPACKS: Josh Evans is still getting information.
C. TURNOUTS: We will table this until November.
A. 2019 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING: Charlie Johnson opened the public hearing. Browning presented the 2019 preliminary budget to the commissioners. Charlie Johnson closed the public hearing.
B. 2019 TAX LEVY RATE PUBLIC HEARING: Charlie Johnson opened the public hearing. Browning presented the information for the tax levy rate for 2019. Charlie Johnson made a motion to raise the EMS and Fire levies 1% for 2019. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; Charlie Johnson and Jim Carlson voted yes and Tom Pottratz voted no.
VII. PRESENTATION OF VOUCHERS, WARRANTS, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS: Payroll voucher numbers 22164 through 22166 totaling $464.93 and voucher numbers 22167 through 22176 totaling $2,946.51 were presented to the Commissioners for approval. Tom Pottratz made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Tom Pottratz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Jim Carlson seconded the motion; all commissioners voted yes.
Charlie Johnson - Commissioner
Jim Carlson - Commissioner
Tom Pottratz - Commissioner
Kynda Browning – Secretary